Protection Dogs Plus

The Best Home Protection Dog for Your Family


Years of hands-on, practical experience



Unmatched Obedience

Peace of Mind & Exceptional Companionship

Our Dogs

New Protection Dogs For Sale

Personal protection dogs with stunning obedience. Lose the leash & gain peace of mind.



Enzo- Reserved

Guardian Plus



Contact Us to Get Started

Our Dogs In Action

As quick to “lie down” as they are to charge an intruder.

We believe every man, woman and child has the right to be safe in their homes. We offer personal protection dogs as an accessible and effective means of deterring any threat.

They understood my needs before it came time to select a dog.

Our Dogs In Action

Why Protection Dogs Plus?

You can’t control whether or not you’ll find yourself in danger. But you can control whether or not you’ll be prepared with a personal protection dog by your side.

They play fetch, go for a swim, and follow you on a run.

They sit back for a movie just like dogs you’ve had in the past.

They give you unmatched obedience from day one.

getting started

Our Matching Process

Our matching process plays a big role in ensuring that your dog becomes part of your family and a seamless part of your daily routine.


A Family Business

We train the dogs in our own home with our own young children.


Hand Selected

Our dogs go through every conceivable temperament test; we don’t leave anything to chance.


Our Questionnaire

This helps us to customize the training specifically for your family’s needs.


During Delivery

We teach your children how to give commands to your protection dog.

Our Clients

Customers From all Over

You’ll quickly see why they’re much more than trained guard dogs.


We were looking for a dog that was 100% kid friendly, housebroken and trained in obedience. We found so much more than that. Not only did Aspen meet our expectations, he exceeded them in every way.

Josh D.


Warso is doing GREAT! He is a supermodel! He ran 3.2 miles (29 mins) with me this morning. It’s amazing how many people stop to talk. Loving him!

Stephanie J.